Deeper Learning

Full Stack Deep Learning Lecture 5 ~ 7 본문

AI/Deep Learning

Full Stack Deep Learning Lecture 5 ~ 7

Dlaiml 2021. 10. 30. 17:47

Lecture 5

Setting up ML Projects

85% of AI projects fail


Prioritizing projects

ML project의 feasibility

Data availability

  • stable?
  • hard to acquire?
  • expensive labeling?
  • how much data is needed?
  • security requirements?

Accuracy requirement

  • how costly are wrong pred?
  • how frequently does the system need to be right to be useful?
  • ethical implications

Problem difficulty

  • is the problem well-defined?
  • good published work on similar problems?
  • compute requirements
  • Can a Human do it?

Apple의 ML product 디자인 가이드

  • What role does ML play in your app?
    • Critical or complementary?
    • Private or public?
    • Proactive or retroactive?
    • Visible or invisible?
    • Dynamic or static?
  • How can you learn from your users?
    • Explicit feedback
    • Implicit feedback
    • Calibration during setup
    • Corrections

How to combine metrics

  • Simple weighted avg
  • Threshold n-1 metrics, evaluate the nth

Thresholding metrics

  • which metrics?
    • 도메인에 따라 결정,
    • 모델의 선택에 가장 덜 민감한 metrics
    • 얻고자 하는 결과에 가장 근접한 metrics
  • threshold values
    • 도메인에 따라 결정
    • baseline의 성능에 따라 조정
    • 현재 metric이 얼마나 중요한 지를 고려

mAP (mean Average Precision)

AP: Recall - Precision 그래프의 하단 면적



Lecture 6

  • Use python
    • scientific and data computing libraries


  • Vim
  • Emacs
  • Jupyter
    • Great as first draft
    • hard to scale up
    • Hart to version
    • not good for distributed task, long task
  • VS Code
    • peek docu
    • bulit-in git tolls
    • remote
      • terminal
    • notebook port forwardin
  • PyCharm


  • python code → visualization




  • auto-differentation and CUDA are a lot of work

Lecture 7

남은 강의들은 노션에 정리 예정.




[1] Full Stack Deep Learning 5~7
